How to produce desire effect on campaigns with UngAds ad Network


Allow me to introduce you to UngAds Network and put into place campaign setup step-by-step, explaining various setting and options. Learning it first would be good start to work with UngAds.

So below are some of the campaign options on UngAds, and a brief explanation of each:

1. Pricing model

There are 3 options CPM, CPC, and CPA.

Each of these pricing models is appropriate in different circumstances, and one is not necessarily better than the others. The trick is to be able to compare them fairly.

However- at least until you have a profitable campaign – keep to CPM as the Pricing Model.

One thing more you should know, now every advertiser (i.e. your competitors) can choose which placements/zones they want to target, and which ones they want to cut, and also how much they want to bid, they will bid higher for the better-converting zones, and cut the ones that don't convert. If we bid low, you may not even see traffic from the best placements. As we increase our bid, we'll often get better and better converting traffic. What I would suggest mainly don't set the lowest rate, my experience is that on UngAds, $1.5-2.5 for wifi traffic, or for carrier-traffic in tier 3, is enough to get decent-quality traffic. This is why we advised to bid $2-2.5$ in the first campaign.

2. Frequency Capping and Daily/Total Budget

Frequency is the average number of times a unique user sees your ad in a position of "1" over a given time period. Use frequency capping to help control the maximum number of times that you'd like each person to see your ad. For example, if you put "1" for "Frequency" and "24h" for "Capping", that means you only want any one visitor to see your ad once over a 24-hour period.

The higher the frequency cap, the lower the overall campaign ROI. But take it easy while you are testing, you can increase the frequency cap and you will get the first, the second, third, etc. impressions of each visitor, so when you have more traffic, you can make more profits in spite of the lower ROI. It is your choice, you wouldn't know unless you test. Optimize it!

According to budgets it is pretty easy. Daily campaign budget is the maximum that you will spend in a day. Total campaign budget is the total spend since the start of your campaign.

Traffic will stop automatically if it reaches either one of these budgets. The minimum you can set these values to is $30 as daily and 50$ as total.

By the way you can target mainstream or adult traffic or both, but bear in mind specific of your offer.

3. Targeting

Next step is to add/exclude publishers or zones. This is a space where you specify a list of profitable publishers you want to receive traffic from, and switch to "Add" - which is referred to as "whitelisting"; or specify a list of unprofitable publishers, and switch to "Exclude" - also referred to as "blacklisting".

According to our experience you may have better experience with the blacklist for start rather than whitelist when it comes to pop, but whitelisting could work out in some cases. Feel free to experiment with this, but often when you only whitelist profitable placements, the traffic would somehow dry up.

On the last page you can review your campaign settings and add additional comments for campaign like campaign schedule, or timing etc., and now your first campaign is ready to start. Do not forget to top up your account and be open for optimization and testing.